Double clicking "IMAGES" (A) will open a form with (5) options.
All of these options are non-permanent changes. Leaving or re-running the chart will revert all the images back to the default settings.
1. ADD (B) = Select an image file to insert on to the chart. This image is only a temporary addition and will be deleted once you leave the chart page or re-run the chart. The image should be inserted at cell A3.
2. DECEASED (C) = All profile photos of deceased individuals will receive a bright gray color to easily differentiate between living and deceased individuals.
*The quality of the images will vary based on the original photo. Manually adjust the images if necessary.
3. ALL (D) = All the profile photos will be grayed out. This can help if colored ink levels are an issue.
*The quality of the images will vary based on the original photo. Manually adjust the images if necessary.
4. DELETE PHOTOS (E) = Will delete all profile photos on the chart.
5. DELETE FLAGS (F) = Will delete all flag images on the chart, if applicable.