The Crop worksheet allows you to permanently crop a profile photo to the ideal aspect ratio for charts to prevent any distortion.

Any edits will only modify the COPY of the file that was made when you first added the profile photo.  Your original file will not be affected by any changes.

*This option is only available to JPG, PNG, and GIF file types due to Excel limitations.



Click on any existing profile photo (A) on either the Tree or Chart worksheet to open that photo up in the Crop worksheet.




When first opened a message box will always appear to help prevent a blank image glitch in Excel - just press "OK" to dismiss it. 

After hitting OK you should see the profile photo and a red rectangular box on top of it.  This red box is what will be used to crop the image.

If the profile photo did NOT load properly - see the troubleshoot fix below.

If the profile photo did load properly then follow these steps to crop it:

1. Move and resize the red crop box (A) to the part of the photo you want to crop. 

  • Make sure the entire red box remains inside the photo's borders.
  • Do NOT rotate the photo - this must be done in an outside program first.
  • Only use the corners of the box to adjust the size while maintaining the ideal aspect ratio (71:100).

2. Double click on "CROP" (B) to crop the photo to inside the red box.

3. Double click on "SAVE" (C) to save the changes and return the Tree or Chart worksheet. You can NOT undo the changes once you double click save!

If the crop did not turn out how you wanted then double click on "RESET" (D) to go back to original photo.

If you want to exit without saving any changes then double click on "CANCEL" (E) to return to the Tree or Chart worksheet.

*Use the SAVE or CANCEL option to return to the other worksheet - don't use the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the page.



Excel is not the ideal image program and has a few bugs.  A ton of effort was put in to overcome these bugs but they still may flare up once in a while.

There are (2) issues I have come across:

1. A blank image or a "can not display" message appears instead of the Photo. 

  • Double click "RESET" and see if that loads the picture properly

If it did not work then the existing profile photo was overwritten with a blank file. So even if you double click "CANCEL" to exit without saving, the initial profile photo was lost. The only fix for this is the following:

  • Double click "CANCEL" to go back to the Tree or Chart worksheet.
  • Edit the person's details using any of the (5) input forms.
  • Delete the profile photo (See PROFILE PHOTOS for more details).
  • Re-Add the original photo as a profile photo again for the person.
  • Re-Try the crop process again.

If you try this more than two times and it still is not working then try opening the original photo in your default photo editor and doing a save-as of the photo.  Then try adding the new photo as a profile photo for the person.


2. The image is not cropping properly to the red box.  The cropped image is bigger or smaller than what it should be. To fix this try the following:

  • If bigger - Double click "SAVE" to keep the changes. Then re-click on the profile photo to try to crop it again.  Sometimes the 2nd time if functions properly.
  • If smaller - Double click "RESET" and then try to crop it again OR double click cancel and then re-click the profile to try to crop it again. 

If you try this more than two times and it still is not working then try opening the original photo in your default photo editor and doing a save-as of the photo.  Then try adding the new photo as a profile photo for the person.

If the problem keeps persisting after these attempts then please CONTACT me.