The "Hybrid" chart will display the current Primary Person, all of their spouses, their children, and 3 generations of their ancestors.



1. PHOTOS & FLAGS? = Choose if you want the chart to display profile photos and birth country flags.

  • Yes = Will show profile photos and birth country flags.
  • No = Won't display profile photos and birth country flags.

2. CREATE = Click this once you have the options set to create the chart.




The chart will display the Primary Person and all their spouses in the middle of the page.  3 generations of ancestors will appear above and all their children will appear below.

This chart relies on color coordination from the descendant design scheme along with ID references.

2. Each child will have (3) ID numbers.

  • Red = Their unique ID (A).
  • Blue = Their Father's ID (B).
  • Purple = Their Mother's ID (C).

You can use the ID's if to see who the other parent was if multiple spouses exist.

Ancestor and descendant colors are independent of each other.

Non-biological children will display an " * " after their parent's ID number.

Non-biological parents will display an " * " after their name. 

*See CHART OPTIONS for more details on editing the default chart.