This form allows you to quickly insert any medial files linked to sources associated to the person.
*You must have created and sync'd a RESEARCH workbook for the person first!
1. Double click on a source medial file in the list (A) to populate the first text field (C).
2. If you just want to insert the text fields and not the associated media file then check of the "NONE" box (B).
3. Modify any of the (4) Text fields (C) as you wish. Each field will be treated as a new line in a text box. You can use the yellow "C" buttons (D) to clear any of the respective lines.
*Use the "CLEAR" button (E) to erase all the fields.
4. Click "ADD" (F) to insert the image/media and associated text.
The data will be inserted at Cell CC2 (G). Any text will be below the media and grouped together so you can move them both together.
*Only the first page of PDF and DOC files will be inserted.