You can add new SOURCES both in the Tree workbook and any Research workbook. The data of the sources is stored in the Tree workbook. The Research workbook just summarizes that specific individual's details on the sources.
The Research workbook has (17) worksheets overall to work with but only (2) types that you need to know.
1. INDEX (1 sheet) = This is the primary sheet in the file that you will initially start on. This is where the summary of all the sources linked to the person will display. It also has the options to Sync, Add, and Print source details.
2. CATEGORY (16 sheets) = The other 16 sheets will display all the source details by category, Names, Traits, Birth Details, Residence, etc... Each of these pages have their own options to print, pdf, or export just that specific category's details. You can also edit sources directly from each of these pages.
*These worksheets are protected to preserve formulas as all the data comes from the Tree workbook level. You CAN format the cells to your liking.
The ID, Name, and DOB values for the person will be displayed at the top of the page. Certain age inferences will be based off the DOB values.
You can click on the Family TreeXcel logo to be taken to this help page.
This worksheet is protected so use the options below to populate cells. You can manually change the format of the cells.
(A) SYNC* = Click to populate the applicable fields with the person's source details. You will have to click this after adding or editing any new sources. This will make an additional copy of any media files for the sources and save them to the person's research folder.
(B) NEW* = Click to add a new source. This will open the same form used to add SOURCES in the Tree workbook.
(C) PRINT = Opens a form to print/pdf just the index page or the entire workbook. See PRINT for more details.
(D) UNIQUE = Creates a new Excel workbook that will show all the unique values of the person's name, dob, birthplace, dod, and deathplace. This can help make a determination of what is the correct value.
(E) PEOPLE = Creates a new Excel workbook that will show children and relative worksheet data in a vertical column format. This may be easier to read and track compared to the row view on the respective worksheets in the workbook. This will NOT be formatted to print or contain any macros.
(F) VIEW = Opens the person's personal Research folder which will have any media files linked to the sources.
(G) CLEAR = Clears all the tables in the Research workbook. This does NOT delete any source data or deletes any media. If you click "SYNC" (A) again then it will re-populate.
(H) HEADERS = You can double click on "DATE", "DESCRIPTION", "CATEGORY", or "DATE" to sort the tables by those respective values. Double click them again to put them in the opposite order.
(I) VIEW = Double click this to open any media file linked to that source.
(J) EDIT* = Opens the form to EDIT that source's details.
(K) DELETE* = Will delete the person's details for the source and unlink them from it. This will NOT delete the actual source, just the person's details linked to it. You have to manually delete any media files from their research directory.
*The following options require opening the linked Tree workbook to work. Therefore it may be faster to leave the Tree workbook open when working with a Research workbook: SYNC (A) , NEW (B), EDIT (I), DELETE (J).
There are (16) category worksheets. You can just click on each tab to navigate from sheet to sheet. CTRL+PgDOWN & CTRL+PgUP = keyboard shortcuts.
Each of these sheets are protected to preserve formulas. You can still manually edit the format of the cells.
Each sheet has the same options described below.
(A) PRINT = This will allow you to print just this category page. Use the print option on the Index worksheet to print all the category pages.
(B) PDF = Create a PDF of just this category page. Use the print option on the Index worksheet to make a PDF of all the category pages.
(C) EXPORT = Export's this category page to a new Excel workbook where you can manually edit values and details. Any of those changes will NOT be saved in the Tree or Research workbook.
(D) ANALYSIS = Add's a textbox below the last entry. You can use this to type an analysis of why some values are different or what you think is the preferred values.
(E) SYNC* = Click to populate the applicable fields with the person's source details. You will have to click this after adding or editing any new sources. This will make an additional copy of any media files for the sources and save them to the person's research folder.
(F) INDEX = Takes you back to the Index worksheet.
(G) HEADERS = You can double click on "REF", "CATEGORY", or "YEAR" to sort the tables by those respective values. Double click them again to put them in the opposite order. This will sort all the pages the same way.
(H) REF ID* = This is the index number of the source. You can double click this to open the edit form to edit the details for the source. You will automatically open to that category input. You will have to hit "SYNC" (E) for the changes to display.
*The following options require opening the linked Tree workbook to work. Therefore it may be faster to leave the Tree workbook open when working with a Research workbook: SYNC (E) , REF ID (H).