(A) Click on the respective option to Print, PDF, or Export the index page. The export option will move the index table to a new Excel workbook without any macros where you can edit it as you wish.

(B) If you manually changed the index or any of the category worksheets margins or footers then you can click on the respective option to restore those worksheets back to their default page setups.

*You can only change footers in the Research workbook manually.

(C) Lists all the worksheets in the Research workbook that can be printed. You can move the sheets you want to print to (D) by using the "DATA", "ALL", and "ADD" options.

(D) Lists all the worksheets to be printed. The sheets will be printed in the order they are in the workbook. It does not matter what order they are in this list.

(E) "DATA" will move over just the category sheets that have data on them. For example if your ancestor has no immigration details then that worksheet will not be included.

(F) To publish the worksheets in (D) as one file use the "PRINT" and "PDF" options respectively.

(G) Click "HIDE" to hide source rows on sheets that do not apply to that category. For example if you have 30 sources and only 1 indicates an immigration detail, if you click hide then only that 1 source will display on the immigration worksheet. Click "UNHIDE" to re-display all the sources on all the category pages.   

*When you re-sync data it will automatically unhide all rows.