You can manually enter the details of sources in the Tree workbook. 

This will build a separate database of your sources that will automatically be indexed with their own unique ID numbers.

The RESEARCH workbooks will sync up to the sources entered in the Tree workbook.

Sources in a GEDCOM file will NOT be imported with the file. You must manually enter each source. This encourages a full examination of records to verify the accuracy of the sources instead of blindly adding them.



*ALT + Underlined character is keyboard shortcut for applicable options.

(A) NEW = Takes you to the SOURCE DETAILS form to add a new source to the database.

(B) PRINT = Will open a print preview screen to print out the source index.

(C) PDF = Creates a PDF file of the source index.

(D) EXPORT = Exports the source index to a new Excel workbook where you can sort and edit it as you wish.

*Use this option if you don't like the default settings in the Print or PDF option.

(E) DIRECTORY = Will open the "SOURCES" subfolder.  When you attach a media file to a source a copy of that media file is made, indexed, and saved into this subfolder. The original files will NOT be affected. 

(F) RESET = Will delete all the sources and their details. This action can not be undone.

*Any media files linked to the sources will have to be manually deleted from the "SOURCES" subfolder.

(G) PERSON'S ID = Enter a Person's ID then press the "ENTER" or "TAB" key to filter the list of sources (J) to show only sources linked to that person.

(H) PERSON'S NAME = This is a locked field.  It will automatically populate with a respective name when an ID is entered in field (G).

(I) CLEAR = This will clear the ID (G) and Name (H) fields and re-show all the sources in the list (J).

(J) SOURCE LIST BOX = This will display all the sources in the index. There are (3) columns showing the unique ID #, source date, and source description.

  • Click on a header (ID, DATE, DESCRIPTION) to sort the list by that category.
  • Single click on a source to populate the associated people (K) and citation/note (L) fields.
  • Double click on a source to edit that sources details.

(K) ASSOCIATED PEOPLE LIST = People linked to the selected source in (J) will display in this list.

  • Double click on a person's name to edit their details for that source. 

(L) SOURCE CITATION/NOTES = Any citations or notes for the selected source in (J) will display in this list. This is just informational to help differentiate records with similar descriptions.

(M) DELETE = Will delete the selected source in (J) and all its associated details.

*Any media files linked to that source will have to be manually deleted from the "SOURCES" subfolder.