*You should NOT rearrange any of the default files in the directory.

*You CAN add outside files and folders to the directory.

The Extract directory consists of the following items. 

1. The main Extract macro-enabled Excel file. Any additional files created using the NEW option will automatically be saved to this location as well.

*You CAN rename this file as you wish but don't move it from this location.

2. Backup subfolder that includes the following files:

*Do NOT rename or move this subfolder.

A. Extract Workbook Template = Backup copy of the Extract workbook. When you use the NEW file option in the workbook then a copy of this file will be made and saved to the directory. You should not open or edit this file directly.

*Do NOT rename or move this file

B. FTE Extract Icon = This file can be used if you want to change the directory ICON. This file is just for cosmetic changes and has no impact on the functionality of the main Extract file.