The Chart worksheet is the worksheet that will display the chart created on the Tree worksheet.

The Chart worksheet is NOT protected and contains no formulas. 

The Chart will have a fixed print area. The last column in the print area is "ME".  The last row will vary depending on the chart but usually will have a border running across.

To maintain the ideal print page setup you should not:

1. Insert/Delete rows or columns.
2. Re-size any rows or columns.
3. Add Text or images to any cells outside of the print area.

*If you want to make any changes involving rows and columns then use the "EXPORT" option to move the chart to a blank Excel workbook first.



Do NOT edit any of the header cells above row (2) (A).

1. "NON-PERMANENT" Changes = Any manual edits to cells below row (2) (B). These can be changes to values, font styles, borders, colors, images, etc... 

*All of these "Non-Permanent" changes will be lost once you leave the Chart worksheet OR if you re-run the chart.

2. PERMANENT changes = changes made to a person's details thru any of the input forms.  These are usually made on the Tree worksheet but you can also make them on the Chart worksheet.

To do this double click on a person's unique ID number in red (C) to open a form with (3) options for that respective person.

  • EDIT (D) = Opens the Primary input form to permanently edit their details. 
  • TREE (E) = Back to the Tree worksheet with that person as the new Primary Person. 
  • CHART (F) = Makes them the new focal point of the chart

 *All (3) of these options will erase any Non-Permanent changes made.

You can also click on a silhouette image (G) to add a PROFILE PHOTO or click on existing profile photo to CROP that image.



The Chart worksheet has (10) options at the top of the page.

You can activate any of these options by DOUBLE CLICKING on that respective cell.

A summary of each option is listed below - click on any image for more details on that option if applicable.