PRODUCT: Tree Workbook
RELEASED: March 27, 2023
AVAILABLE TO: Anyone who purchased a version of the Tree workbook prior to version 4.0 AND did not request a refund.
COST: Free


After countless hours of working on it – version 4.0 of the Tree workbook is now available. This also comes with a brand new Profile and Research workbooks as well.

There are a ton of new features including photo cropping, format options, source input templates, descendant chart options, bug fixes, and much more.

Each option in the file now has a “?” button which will take you to the webpage dedicated to that option for a step by step tutorial to hopefully make the transition as smooth as possible.

I spent a lot of time testing and trying to make the file error proof but I am sure plenty of things slipped thru the cracks. I apologize in advance for any issues you come across. Please bring any issues to my attention via EMAIL and I’ll do my best to address them ASAP.


Please check out the following INSTALL HELP PAGE to properly install the new files.

Proper installation is critical for the files to work.


Once you have it installed properly you will have (2) options to begin:

  1. FROM SCRATCH – Ignore any previous versions of the file and start new with version 4.0. This is the easiest method and recommended if you rarely used or only added a few photos and people to your tree in the prior version.  You can enter PEOPLE MANUALLY or import an existing GEDCOM FILE
  1. EXISTING TREE – Allows you to import all the data from your previous version into the new version. All your data, photos, research, and profile workbooks from version 3 will carry over to the new file. Please go to the IMPORT TREE help page for guidance on how to do this and its limitations.

*You can only import existing Tree data from Version 3 or later. Any older versions will have to start from scratch.

Regardless of what option you choose, I strongly encourage you to check out the entire HELP PAGE and to watch the QUICK START video to solidify your understanding of the files.